Leap year bug

Leap year bug (also known as the Leap year problem) is a problem for both digital (computer-related) and non-digital documentation and data storage situations which results from the wrong calculation of which years are leap years.


There are several types of leap year bugs.

  1. Some digital systems have ignored the existence of leap years. Therefore, when the date is February 29, the system would wrongly treat it as March 1.
  2. Some digital systems have wrongly calculated which years are leap years. The best-known case occurred in Sony's Playstation 3: The system treated 2010 as a leap year, so a non-existent date February 29, 2010 was shown on March 1, 2010, and caused program error.
  3. Many digital systems will face a leap year bug, known as the Year 2100 problem. Although most years that are evenly divisible by 4 are leap years, years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years (unless they are also evenly divisible by 400). Therefore, 2100 is not a leap year. If a system simply treats all years that are evenly divisible by 4 as leap years, which would work for many computer systems around today since 2000 was evenly divisible by 400, a non-existent date February 29, 2100 will be shown on March 1, 2100. Systems that pre-date general awareness of the Y2K bug, and systems that have been created since 2000 that have not had to deal with pre-2000 dates, will face a combination of Y2K and the leap year bug if they are still in use when 2100 approaches.

See also